Sanctity of Human Life
- Supports abortion-on-demand
- Has no official policy statement on abortion or the right to life.
- Supports abortion-on-demand
- Supports abortion-on-demand
- The party does not have an official policy on abortion. However, the Leader is strongly pro-life, and opposes killing preborn babies.

Funding Abortions
- Supports diverting taxpayer dollars away from genuine healthcare needs, to pay for abortions instead.
- Supports diverting taxpayer dollars away from genuine healthcare needs, to pay for abortions instead.
- Began funding the chemical abortion pill in 2019, in reaction to an orchestrated campaign by the media and abortion activists.
- Supports diverting taxpayer dollars away from genuine healthcare needs, to pay for abortions instead.
- Supports diverting taxpayer dollars away from genuine healthcare needs, to pay for abortions instead.
- The party does not have an official policy on abortion funding. However, the Leader has said he would support efforts to defund medically unecessary abortions.

Anti-Free Speech Bubble Zones
- Supports criminalizing peaceful pro-life expression on taxpayer-owned public sidewalks, within the vicinity of an abortion mill.
- Opposes criminalizing peaceful pro-life expression on taxpayer-owned public sidewalks, within the vicinity of an abortion mill.
- Has no official policy on bubble zone laws which seek to criminalize peaceful pro-life expression within the vicinity of an abortion mill.
- Has no official policy on bubble zone laws which seek to criminalize peaceful pro-life expression within the vicinity of an abortion mill.
- The party does not have an official policy on the types of censorship zones that have been established in Ontario and BC, and which the NDP has championed in MB, but it does have a strong policy in support of "fundamental freedoms" as established in Canada's constitution, which includes the freedom of expression and the freedom of assembly.

- Supports euthanasia & assisted suicide
- Has no official policy statement on euthanasia.
- Supports euthanasia and assisted suicide
- Has no official policy statement on euthanasia
- The party does not have an official policy on euthanasia. However, the Leader opposes euthanasia and supports palliative care.

Conscience Rights
- Supports the right of medical professionals to refuse to directly commit euthanasia killings
- However, the NDP does not support legal protection for conscientious objectors who refuse to refer their patients to another doctor that is willing to euthanize them.
- Supports conscience rights for medical professionals who refuse to participate in euthanasia killings.
- Supports the right of conscientious objector physicians to refuse to refer their patients to a different doctor that is willing to euthanize them.
- Opposes the right of medical professionals to refuse to participate in, or refer for abortions.
- Has no official policy statement on conscience rights for medical professionals.
- The party does not have an explicit policy on conscience rights for healthcare workers that would protect them from participating in abortion, euthanaisa, or transgender mutilation surgeries and chemical castration. However, it does have a strong policy in support of "fundamental freedoms" as established in Canada's constitution, which includes the freedom of conscience.

Parental Rights
- Opposes parents’ rights to guide the moral education of their own children.
- Passed Bill 18 which imposed gay pride clubs (i.e. GSAs) on Catholic and public schools.
- Introduced a bill to ban schools from disclosing to parents if their children joined a gay pride club.
- Passed a totalitarian law that took away the right of parents to get therapy for their children to treat unwanted sexual identity confusion or unwanted same-sex attraction.
- Defended parental rights by opposing an NDP bill to impose gay pride clubs (i.e. GSAs) on Catholic and public schools
- Blocked an NDP bill that would ban schools from disclosing to parents if their children joined a gay pride club at school.
- The current leader, Heather Stefanson, made a somewhat vague promise, without offering any details of what it would entail, that if re-elected on October 3, 2023, her PC government would amend the Public Schools Act to enhance parental rights in education.
- Opposes the right of parents to guide the moral education of their own children.
- Opposes parents having the right to exempt their children from classroom lessons on homosexuality
- Has no official policy statement on parental rights in education.
- Party policy mentions the rights of parents who object to controversial sex eduction curriculum.
- It also includes a strong policy to change the funding system so that tax dollars follow the student to whatever educational system their parents choose, instead of going automatically to the government-run school boards. This type of "voucher" system would be very welcome because it would allow parents to use their education tax dollars in a public school, a private secular school, a private faith-based school, or a homeschool program of their choice.

Transgender Ideology
- Wants to introduce a “non-binary” sex option on Manitoba government IDs, such as health cards, for people to identify as neither male nor female.
- Has no official policy statement on transgender ideology. However, there is speculation that the somewhat secretive "parental rights legislation" that has been promised by Premier Stefanson could potentially mirror that of the Saskatchewan and New Brunswick governments which require schools to seek parental consent before they can socially "transition" at school using opposite sex pronouns and opposite sex names.
- Supports transgender ideology and even ran a sexually-confused cross-dresser as a candidate in the 2016 and 2019 elections.
- Supports transgender ideology.
- The party does not have an official policy on transgender ideology.

- Wants provincial law to permit smoking drugs at large outdoor events, like the Winnipeg Folk Festival.
- Wants to create heroin shooting galleries where drug addicts can legally come to inject heroin, consume crystal meth, etc. This reckless policy would spread the use of harmful drugs to even more Manitobans, and destroy neighborhoods.
- Wants to expand access to marijuana in more public spaces across Manitoba.
- Wants to permit marijuana production in residential homes.
- Wants to create heroin shooting galleries where drug addicts can legally come to shoot up heroin, consume crystal meth, etc. This reckless policy would spread the use of harmful drugs to even more Manitobans, and destroy neighborhoods.
- Allow bars to serve marijuana.
- The party does not have an explicit policy on drug legalization or the heroin shooting galleries that have been springing up in cities all over Canada.