MLA Kelvin Goertzen
Progressive Conservative Party | Steinbach, MB
CLC rating: Pro-life, pro-family
Rating Comments: Kelvin Goertzen is known to be pro-life. He has also spoken out strongly in defense of parental rights and religious freedom.
In May 2024, MLA Goertzen courageously voted against NDP Gender ideology Bill 208, the so-called "Two-Spirit and Transgender Day of Visibility Act", which established March 31 as the annual day for celebrating the mental illness of Gender Identity Disorder and its fictitious and delusional personas such as "transgender", "nonbinary", and "Two-Spirit".
In May 2024, MLA Goertzen courageously voted against NDP Gender ideology Bill 208, the so-called "Two-Spirit and Transgender Day of Visibility Act", which established March 31 as the annual day for celebrating the mental illness of Gender Identity Disorder and its fictitious and delusional personas such as "transgender", "nonbinary", and "Two-Spirit".
First elected ( 2003.06.03
Previous Occupation: Lawyer
Percentage in last election: 72.6% (2023) ; 89.2% (2016) ; 85.52% (2011)
Victory margin last election: 57.5% (2023) ; 83.3% (2016) ; 77.9% (2011)
Religion / Faith: Unknown
Constituency Offices
Unit C2-275 Main Street
Steinbach, Manitoba
R5G 1Y9
Tel: (204) 326-5763
Fax: 204-346-9913
Parliamentary Office
Room 155 Legislative Building
450 Broadway
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0V8
Tel: (204) 945-3709
Fax: (204) 945-1284
Life & family issues voting score: 100%
Note: The voting score calculation is not weighted to account for relative differences in importance of various bills or issues. Here is Kelvin Goertzen's voting record relating to life and family issues:
Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision | Vote | Score |
Bill 18, 3rd reading, which radically sexualized the school curriculum and forced all Catholic & Public schools to accept homosexual-activist clubs Officially called The Public Schools Amendment Act, this bill which became law, forced all public and faith-based schools, regardless of community or religious sensitivities, to accept student gay pride clubs known as GSAs. The law also served to inject the radical sexual theory of "gender identy" into school curriculum, which even children at the earliest grades will consequently be exposed to. The radical "gender identity" theory is the disputed notion that a child’s gender is not necessarily connected to their physical anatomy and that it’s perfectly normal for little boys to think they’re little girls, and vice-versa, if they merely "feel" that way in their minds. All this was done under the deceptive ruse that these changes were necessary to reduce bullying and punish bullies. The true intent of this bill was to promote a new sexual revolution, to embed anti-Christian prejudice into the school environment, and to label all people of faith who adhere to traditional biblical norms of human sexuality as if they were "hateful" or "bigoted". Unfortunately, this bill was passed on September 13, 2013 by a vote of 36 to 16, despite widespread opposition by parents and people of faith. |
Opposed | ![]() |
Bill 200, 2nd reading, to establish NO FREE SPEECH ZONES on public property This draconian private members bill by MLA Nahanni Fontaine (NDP) sought to outlaw peaceful, pro-life expression on taxpayer-owned public sidewalks within a radious of up to 150 metres around all of Manitoba's abortion facilities. Fortunately, this unconstitutional and totalitarian bill was defeated by a vote of 11 Yeas to 32 Nays on Dec. 6, 2018. |
Opposed | ![]() |
Bill 207, 2nd reading, to create No Free Speech "BUFFER ZONES" on public property This blatantly pro-abortion, private member's bill, introduced by NDP MLA Nahanni Fontaine, was a more extreme sequel to her failed 2018 bill that sought to outlaw peaceful, pro-life expression on taxpayer-owned public sidewalks within a radious of up to 150 metres around all of Manitoba's abortion mills. In her 2021 version, MLA Fontaine included trying to ban peaceful, pro-life witness even around schools. Fortunately, this unconstitutional and totalitarian bill was defeated at 2nd Reading by a vote of 30 Nays over 20 Yeas on Oct. 14, 2021. |
Absent or abstained | -- |
Bill 208, Two-Spirit and Transgender Day of Visibility Act This LGBT ideological bill, put forward by Manitoba NDP MLA Logan Oxenham, establishes March 31 as the annual day for celebrating the mental illness of Gender Identity Disorder. In defiance of realilty, the bill brazenly promotes fictitious and delusional personas such as "transgender" and "nonbinary", as well as the superstitious concept of "Two-Spirit". Though endorsed with wild enthusiams by the governing NDP caucus, this anti-human bill was also shamefully supported by nine PC Party MLAs, one of whom was interim PC Party Leader Wayne Ewasko. Eight other PC MLAs abstained from the vote, while only four PC MLAs had the courage to vote against it. This evil bill passed on May 30, 2024. |
Opposed | ![]() |
Bill 8, 3rd reading, to create unconstitutional, 'No Free Speech Zones' on public property near abortion facilities, and to criminalize peaceful pro-life witness This unconstitutional bill by Wab Kinew's socialist NDP government of Manitoba violates the fundamental rights to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and the right to protest. It creates "No Free Speech Bubble Zones" across Manitoba that smother peaceful demonstration outside every abortuary and hospital where children are killed in-utero. Pro-life Canadians who pray peacefully outside Manitoba's killing centres, or who hold a sign, or who offer pregnant women a pamphlet with scientific facts about prenatal development, will be considered serious criminals and face fines and imprisonment This draconian bill passed by a vote of 29 Ayes to 19 Nays, on June 3, 2024. |
Opposed | ![]() |
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Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Kelvin Goertzen on 2019.
Question | Response |
We do not have any questionnaire answers for Kelvin Goertzen at this time. |
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