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MLA Glen Simard

New Democratic Party | Brandon East, MB

CLC rating: Pro-abortion

Not SupportableLight Rating

Not Supportable
Not Supportable
Rating Comments: Pro-abortion rating based on an official policy statement by the NDP, on behalf of all NDP candidates, which asserted abortion as “a woman’s right to choose”. This pro-abortion statement was posted April 5th on the NDP’s website during the 2016 provincial election.
Position: Minister of Sport, Culture, Heritage and Tourism
First elected ( 2023.10.03
Percentage in last election: 55.4% (2023)
Victory margin last election: 15.8% (2023)
Religion / Faith: unknown
Constituency Offices
Unit A 217 - 10th Street
Brandon, Manitoba
R7A 4E9
Tel: (204) 717-1799
Parliamentary Office
Room 118 Legislative Building
450 Broadway
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0V8
Tel: (204) 945-3729
Life & family issues voting score: 0%

Note: The voting score calculation is not weighted to account for relative differences in importance of various bills or issues. Here is Glen Simard's voting record relating to life and family issues:

Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision Vote Score
Bill 8, 3rd reading, to create unconstitutional, 'No Free Speech Zones' on public property near abortion facilities, and to criminalize peaceful pro-life witness
This unconstitutional bill by Wab Kinew's socialist NDP government of Manitoba violates the fundamental rights to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and the right to protest. It creates "No Free Speech Bubble Zones" across Manitoba that smother peaceful demonstration outside every abortuary and hospital where children are killed in-utero. Pro-life Canadians who pray peacefully outside Manitoba's killing centres, or who hold a sign, or who offer pregnant women a pamphlet with scientific facts about prenatal development, will be considered serious criminals and face fines and imprisonment This draconian bill passed by a vote of 29 Ayes to 19 Nays, on June 3, 2024.
Supported bad

There are no quotes for Glen Simard at this time.

Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Glen Simard on 2023.

Question Response
We do not have any questionnaire answers for Glen Simard at this time.

There are no videos available for Glen Simard.

  • Legend for Light
    Rating System
  • Green Light
    GREEN light means the person supports CLC principles and is rated as SUPPORTABLE
  • Red Light
    RED light means the person is NOT SUPPORTABLE
  • Amber Light
    AMBER light means voters should be cautious about the candidate. CLC is still evaluating this individual, does not have enough data, or their record is mixed. View their quotes & voting history to help you decide.
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